Tag Archives: computers

Backing up matters

Always remember to take the occasional look in your rearview mirror.

How the JournalSpace operator plans to recover: here. Or not.

Google Cache to the rescue — but only if…

this method only works for people who did not have their blogs/journals set to be viewable only by other JournalSpace members, or set to Friends &/or Favorites only, and for other entries that were not set to private. Also, if people configured their blogs so that the googlebot, or other bots were blocked, they may have limited success in resurrecting old entries from the cache

I was fortunate to learn hard lessons about backups decades ago while working on an aircraft project which shall remain unnamed. I’ve never forgotten since.

Oh, all right then, perhaps I have “forgotten” a time or two, but to no consequence.

So far.

Apple did it again

I was an early adopter of Apple products. I started with an Apple and two disk drives back in the 80s. It was a great little machine for its time, and a wonder to use to learn coding. One could even plug in an interface card to access a printer. Then came the Apple III fiasco: a fantastic operating system (SOS, or Sophisticated Operating System) coupled with with a system utilities program with which one could write one’s own device drivers to drive almost anything, collapsed in a frothing sea of acquisition costs and failed motherboards.

Their Lisa, which was the forerunner of the Macintosh, was another disaster, heightened by the release of the Macintosh. The Macintosh pretty much started Apple’s tradition of a closed box – it was based on 124 megs of ram – which remains to this day. It was virtually impossible to upgrade. If you wanted more memory, you had to buy a newer Macintosh.

I abandoned Apple because of the Lisa, and never looked back – until recently, that is. I’ve been considering acquiring an Apple notebook of some sort.

Not any longer.

Since their latest fiasco with the iPhone cash-back flip-flop, I wouldn’t touch anything that company produces with someone else’s money. Their modus operandi continues to be one of buyer beware, and that goes for their iTunes-playing gadgets too. Why would anyone spend money to own music that can’t be shared with any other device? Anti-piracy? Hardly. Anti-owner is more like it.

Welcome to Apple’s world.

Roll up your windows

I’ve found another nice little app only 89kb in size, written in assembly language, that will roll up your window until only the title bar is visible. This goes along nicely with Nubs, which I discovered back in May.

Drag a window to one of the monitor sides and Nubs will reduce it to a tabbed sidebar item, keeping the tab, or ‘nub’, visible while working with a fully expanded window. Click on the nub, and the window reappears as you had it.

WinRoll, as stated, rolls the window up and out of the way, leaving the title bar where you’ve placed it. Right-click on the title bar — and voila! — the title bar of the window is the only visible item remaining. Do it again, and it reappears. It’s magic.

Freeware and Open Source.

Get it here: WinRoll