Tag Archives: Canada

Perhaps the latest issue of the Sears catalog

would satisfy the whining and sniveling tree-hugging crowd:

…environmentalists say regular use of soft tissue paper is flushing trees… -calgaryherald.com, Mike De Sousa

For those Greenpeacers south of the 49th, you could use what Bush&Co used profuse amounts of during his eight-year reign. And if you don’t know what that was because you were too busy hugging your trees, you definitely weren’t paying attention.

With apologies to Sears, Roebuck and Company.

Brave Mountie cowed by stapler, mocked by citizens

As revered as the RCMP* were in the past, this reverence is now history, having disappeared completely with the latest revelations during the ongoing inquiry to determine why the Mounties killed a completely innocent man with multiple taser “blasts”.

Robert Dziekanski had committed no crime. He wasn’t under arrest. Yet four members of the RCMP descended on him as though he was the greatest threat to law and order Canada has seen since the Quebec FLQ kidnapped and murdered innocent people.

Commission counsel Art Vertlieb questioned how four officers wearing body armour, carrying handguns and armed with pepper spray and collapsible batons could be frightened of Dziekanski. –Petti Fong, thestar.com

During the ongoing inquiry into the murder of Mr. Dziekanski, one of the four RCMP dumb oxen who responded to Mr. Dziekanski at the Vancouver airport testified to and demonstrated the following:

Millington stood up at one point during his testimony to demonstrate how the stapler had been held by Dziekanski.

He held the stapler at shoulder height with one hand, his other a clenched fist. –Petti Fong, thestar.com

The public gallery responded, in turn:

Members of the public laughed at the sight and retired judge Thomas Braidwood had to request order. –Petti Fong, thestar.com

Link to article here.

Link to my previous post.

*Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Weston Property Management

Doug McDonald and Geri McDonald are not nice people, especially if you work for them and their company, Weston Property Management, and get sick. Just ask Elsa Torrejon, who needs surgery for breast cancer. She was asked to lay out her plans for surgery in writing, and then, letter in hand, the nice McDonalds told Ms Torrejon that she had resigned.

Buh-bye. So nice to know ya. Go on. Git!

Apparently not.

A lawyer from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre drafted a letter on her behalf reminding the McDonalds that under the code, employers must accommodate their employees with disabilities and Torrejon’s medical condition falls within the definition of disability.

Hello lawsuit.

Link to article here.

I’m thinking that the drone will drone into oblivion

U.S. border protection official Michael Kostelnik said that in these “dangerous times,” it’s more important than ever for both countries to know who and what is crossing the border. (emphasis mine)

I think what he means is that it’s important for America to know who or what is crossing the American border. Canada stopped worrying about pot a long time ago. However, in America, pot remains a major reason why their jails and prisons are so over-crowded with youngsters, and their incarceration rate is at such a high — if you’ll pardon the intentional pun — compared to the rest of the known world.

Link here.

Dangerous times indeed.

The drones will not carry weapons, such as missiles or laser-guided bombs…

What? No weapons?

How completely un-American!

More border snoring here.

Battle of the Plains of Abraham never happened

Updated here, to reflect a visit from Prince Charles in November of 2009.

In 1759, British forces defeated a combined force of French and Canadian troops in a battle for supremacy on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec. The British won. The French Empire in North America went on a downward spiral into oblivion, much like the current prospects Quebec has for getting out of Canada — i.e., basically gone, forgotten and consequently will never happen.

That’s a fact, Jack. Err, Jacques.

Too bad, so sad. Get over it.

In 2009, the National Battlefields Commission wanted to re-enact the battle, thinking it would be a marvelous tourist draw, as the re-enactment had been in previous years.


No can do. C’est ne pas possible.

until Quebec becomes a sovereign state, any re-enactment of the battle would be disrespectful to francophones. -Patrick Bourgeois, leader of Le Reseau de Resistance du Quebecois

Yeah, right.

Link to article here.

Apparently, the froggies in Quebec don’t like admitting a battlefield defeat, even though it was a mere 250 years ago. So much for froggie history.

Here’s a thought: Get the fuck out of Canada and make up your own history, any way you like it made up.

Go on! Scoot! Go away. Get the hell out of here. Nobody wants you.

No? I didn’t think so. Chickenshits.

Then STFU and like it.

Suck it up, buttercup

Updated below.

An elementary school principal in New Brunswick has decided that O Canada (Canada’s national anthem, for those of you who don’t watch hockey) should not be played or participated in during class time.



My suggestion for elementary school principal Erik Millett, the failed Green Party candidate and late-to-the-party hippie, is to suck it up, buttercup. Set your children free by allowing them to sing the national anthem. Millett’s reasoning surely must be affected by his inability to comprehend what country he resides, given that some children attending the school have relatives that were killed while serving in Afghanistan.

Link to article here, here and a blog article here.

Rex Murphy takes a common-man look at the entire inclusive stupidity here.


The uninitiated among you should be made aware that Canada may be the only country in the world that will boo its own national anthem. This supposed travesty will occur any time an NHL team from Quebec travels to English Canada, particularly Alberta. The reason? The anthem is sung in French.

Yes, I know.

But it’s uniquely Canadian.


Update: On February 1, school superintendent Zoe Watson ordered that the daily singing of O Canada be reinstated. Mr. Millet was given a chance to reverse his policy voluntarily, but he refused any response to the request.

Now there’s a guy who isn’t the brightest lightbulb in the room.

Ontario doesn’t have a clue about motorcycle safety

Update here.

You don’t have to have lived in Ontario to know that it perceives itself as a province in Canada where the inhabitants believe that they are ‘speshul’. Ontario has in place legislation that provides for the impounding of a vehicle and immediate suspension of a driver’s licence if the police officer believes you to have been racing — and racing apparently includes riding your motorcycle at very low speed on the shoulder of the road while other vehicles are stopped.

Fortunately, they lost that one in court, and a huge thank you goes out to the individual that challenged the stupidity of the police officer who charged the rider.

Now in Ontario’s infinite wisdom, they see fit to present Bill 117 that would prevent anyone under 14 years of age from riding as a passenger on a motorcycle, sidecar or trike — you know, because there are so many injuries and deaths involved with children younger than 14 riding as passengers on motorcycles, sidecars and trikes in Ontario.

Oops. Apparently not.

“Bill 117 is a solution looking for a problem. I reviewed all seven Ontario Road Safety Annual Reports from 1999 to 2005 and did not find any fatalities for motorcycle passengers less than 14 years of age.

Ontario children were four times more likely to have been injured as passengers on bicycles and 262 times more likely to have been injured as passengers in passenger vehicles than to have been injured as passengers on motorcycles.” — Raynald Marchand, GM, Canada Safety Council

Provincial M.P.P. Helena Jaczek is the author of this monstrosity. You can contact her at hjaczek.mpp at liberal dot ola dot org

The Minister of Transportation is James Bradley. Contact him at jbradley.mpp at liberal dot ola dot org

For a sample letter, visit www.motorcycling.ca/issues/provissues/ontario/index.html