Tag Archives: Canada

Billy Bob


Fuck you, hillBilly Bob.

I could elaborate, but I don’t really feel the need, since the Boxmasters are known only because some hillbilly play-actor bangs away on a set of drums like a Parkinsons-afflicted retard.

Update: No great loss. Watch the abbreviated video in the link. I suspect Willie Nelson, who he was opening for, gave him the boot and the hillBilly came up with the flu story to cover his ‘artiste’ ass.

Willie is a professional, and I suspect that he didn’t want hillBilly & Co. screwing up his show any more than he already has screwed it up. I feel a glimmer of sorrow for the other three bandmembers in hillBilly’s group. In the video, they don’t look exactly pleased to be there, and I wonder if that was an indication of what was to come.

Canadian Human Rights Commission Kolor Kommissar*

Crayon censorship will be next.

Be careful not what you write, but what color you choose for your writing.

The ink color brouhaha (yes, it really is a joke, isn’t it?) was resolved in favor of the Canadian politician who published a pamphlet on white paper, using black and red ink colors. Quoth the Human Rights crayon police:

“colours very much associated with aboriginal people, for whom four colours have come to be associate with the four cardinal directions and have great spiritual significance,” wrote Smith. “One can hardly claim that the symbolism in this pamphlet is not inflammatory.”

Full article here.

Unfortunately, the Kolor Kommissar for the Canadian Human Rights Commission will appeal the ruling that found former Member of Parliament Jim Pankiw innocent of  using the “wrong ink colors”.

A previous post on McDonald’s hand-washing requirements deemed to be excessive for your health requirements.

* With apologies to Crayola®

Who has the keys?

This guy is Canadian? Wonder of wonders. I am so proud.How difficult would it be to put the keys on a pegboard inside the hangar? Perhaps in a locked box, even?

It was sitting as usual parked on the ramp. The keys are in all the aircrafts because students are using them. -tbnewswatch.com

I know, I know, some of us can barely manage to find our car keys when we need them, but even so…

Question: Where did this “Canadian” learn to fly? Inquiring minds want to know. Update: Apparently he learned at the flight school from which he stole the airplane.

I wonder who will get the bill for this fiasco?

Link here.

An added thought: I wonder when Canada will wise up to its own sad immigration policy and get some smarts?

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told CNN that Leon, formerly known as Yavuz Berke, was born in Turkey and became a Canadian citizen last year. -cbc.ca

Brave Mounties attend dinner theater, arrest performer

You may or may not recall the story of a young man – Tim McLean – stabbed, beheaded and partially eaten by one Vincent Li, while riding on a Greyhound bus near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba on July 29, 2008.

At some point during the feast, and after the bus had come to a halt on the side of the road out in the middle of the bald prairie, the beloved RCMP swat team arrived, decked out in their combat finest. The perimeter was secured – against what I’m unsure, since to my knowledge gophers, deer and pheasant are unarmed – and then the Brave Mounties proceeded to sit outside the bus for over four hours while witnessing Mr. Li consume the various parts of  Tim McLean that tickled his palate.

Brave Mounties occasionally radioed reports back to somewhere, describing the night’s dining delight and entertainment thusly:

Badger is at the back of the bus hacking off pieces and eating it.

No word on whether there was dessert.

Eventually Li exited the bus through a window and fell nearly on top of several Brave Mounties, who had no choice but to finally subdue and arrest the satiated monster. A taser was involved, but apparently the dinner theater performer escaped unfazed — so to speak.

Vincent Li was later committed to a mental institution.

Tim McLean’s parents are suing the Brave Mounties who attended and the RCMP.

All the grisly details are here – not for the faint of heart.

This is not an April Fool’s joke

It must be due to the massive migration of coldbacks:

1,500 agents along the northern border were involved in the arrests of 7,925 individuals last year. During the same time, 705,005 people were arrested on the southwest border with Mexico (italics and emphasis mine), where 16,500 agents currently are assigned. -Mark Borkowski, executive director of the Secure Border Initiative at Customs and Border Protection

For the geographically challenged among us, America’s northern border is with Canada, not Russia. Alaska’s border is with Russia.

Apparently. (Now that’s an April Fool’s joke.)

And finally, if you have no idea, a coldback is a Canadian heading south to the southern United States to spend the winter, from whence he returns to the glories of a Canadian spring in magnificent bloom. The term is most often confused by House and Senate members, as well as Border Patrol agents, with wetback, but it has absolutely nothing to do with wetback beaners, since most rivers in Canada are frozen from November to May.

Earlier post on the big border snore here.

RCMP goon squad

As the Braidwood Inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski at the hands of RCMP Goon Squad members in the Vancouver airport progresses, Canadians continue to witness the spectacle of four more mounties goons dragging their beleaguered police force Goon Squad into further disrepute. Time after time, the four Brave Mounties have testified to staggering brutality, ignorance, stupidity and false bravado while defending themselves against a man with a stapler.

They testified that they failed to recall their training, even though a mere three months had elapsed since that training had occurred.

To further aggravate the situation, RCMP management — is there such a thing? — failed to make policy changes and improvements in the use of tasers, even when directed to do so by a House of Commons committee. Surely the RCMP Management Goons could forsee a time when their policy on taser use would be called into question — couldn’t they? And if they couldn’t, then obviously the goons of management had their heads so far up their red-serge-covered asses as to be completely unrecognizable as actual management.

Day after day at the Braidwood Inquiry, new revelations continue to surface regarding the stupidity of a once-revered police force, such revelations helping to further lead the goon squad mounties to complete and utter disrepute.

Link to article here on Goon Squad taser use.

Inquiry judge raises gavel, gets tasered

In keeping with the RCMP’s latest crime-fighting taser techniques against stapler-bearing individuals, inquiry Judge Thomas Braidwood was shocked multiple times by Mounties when they felt threatened by the gavel the judge raised during testimony given by fellow officers.

“It was certainly a defensive measure,” stated the Brave Mountie in charge. “It was our decision based on years of training. We deal with these types of people all the time, and we know best how to safely subdue them.”

There is no word on whether the judge was under arrest at the time.