Tag Archives: Politics

If you’re coming, don’t forget the bananas

(Canada is) behaving with all the sophistication of a chimpanzee’s tea party

But before you get here, clean up your own back yard, and keep your limey prejudices to yourself.

A concerted campaign has now begun to expel Canada from the Commonwealth.

Finally! Thank you, Jesus! The Commonwealth has been an underachiever for decades now. It’s primary raison d’être was for the benefit of the motherland, more commonly known at the time as Great Britain. Britain isn’t so great now.

Canada now threatens the wellbeing of the world.

More than China. More than the United States. More than Pakistan. More than any other country in the world. Imagine that.


You bastards out there had better be on your toes, or we Canadians will drag you down to the level of, uhh, something or other. Maybe.

turning this lovely country (Canada) into a cruel and thuggish place.

Been to Nairobi recently, have you?

I am so tired of the klimate klowns and their incessant whining and sniveling. They ignore the problems in their own back yards, all the while insisting that this nation or that nation or another nation over there, somewhere, is the real culprit of climate change, diamond mines, gold mines, logging, rainforest stripping, desert wind, camel dung, cloudy skies and poor tipping.

Kiss my fat, white, wrinkled Canadian ass. Furthermore, while you’re flying over, just keep right on going to some country that you might actually want in your Commonwealth of nations. If you don’t like it here, go somewhere else.

Unfortunately, I don’t think this guy would like it anywhere.

Link to his guardian.uk article here, from whence the quotes come.

Leo & Lucy on cleaning up the environmental mess

You just have to love the environmentalists among us – even the ones in the motherland, if you’ll pardon the pun. Here are samples of the awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, world-wide non-events that we should be concerned about, according to Leo & Lucy of the guardian.uk. Or, more likely, those items appealing to fast-disappearing newspaper subscribers in the internet age, apropos of a going-green column.

  • Pesky Christmas lights. Should we dump them in favor of, umm, something that burns less energy, but costs us more money to replace? Oh why not? It’s only money. And a class thing as well, if you light up your entire house. A class thing? What’s with that?
  • Now then, you’re wanting to be a tourist, are you? Planning on flying or taking a barge home for Christmas? With all that pollution you emit on your aeroplane, ocean liner, truck, van, automobile? Then find a sleigh, a horse, a feed-bag and a shit-bag and tour locally. Added bonus: What goes in the front end and comes out the back can be burned for heat.
  • After all that, are you still wanting to put up a tree? What about those poor Georgian natives, slaving away on treetops to ensure enough seed for Denmark to grow it for you?
  • Are you anxiously awaiting that Christmas card or parcel from a friend or loved-one? They don’t appear to have a green solution for that one, other than, Postman, tune up your vehicle. As for gift wrap, recycle those old scandal sheets.
  • Those pesky plastic grocery bags must be replaced by paper. Does anyone not know someone who doesn’t use them for garbage bags? Now that’s recycling.
  • Using a coal fire to stay warm? Nuh-uh. Use wood instead. That is, if you can find any in the forests of Great Britain, long-ago denuded by those eco-friendly ship builders of yore.
  • Santa and his reindeer are another problem entirely. How much does it cost NORAD to track this Christmas abomination from the North Pole to various and sundry countries around the world? Let’s give his animals back to the Laplanders and sweep Santa Claus into the dustbin of Christmas past.

Oh yes, I know. Canada has a monstrously huge carbon-emission footprint. Really? Just how huge would that monstrously huge carbon-emission footprint be, Canadian?

Why, it’s two per-cent of the world’s problem. Yes, you heard me right. Two per-cent.

Now then, just how much money should I be spending to reduce that to 1.5 percent? One percent? Zero? Is zero, in fact, realistic for any country? I doubt it very much.

Come on, how much should I be spending? How much should my government be spending to reduce an absolutely meaningless two per-cent emission problem to, say, one per-cent?

I’d bet good money that the cooking fires, tire fires, camp fires and dump fires in all of Africa emit more pollution than Canada. Let’s get those Dark Continent polluters to do their bit for the environment forthwith.

Oh wait, we can’t. They get a pass because they’re already living in filth and starvation, as they have for thousands of years. Perhaps we should send them a few of our extra plastic garbage bags and show those Africans how to clean up their act.

Good luck with that.

La Société St-Jean Baptiste est dérangé

Talk about having your cake and eating it too, or, mange la merde, you stupid frogs.

Those silly imitation frenchmen (with apologies to France) in Canada are at it again. For some strange reason, these mentally-challenged retarded people appear to think that they now own all of North America. Don’t tell the tin-hat brigade in America, or they’ll be manning up the border with more drones on wheel-skis.

A Quebec sovereignty group wants Prince Charles to apologize for the cultural genocide of francophones in North America. – cbc.ca

That’s because in early November, Chuckie and his lovely bride (one of the ugliest women in the world, if not the ugliest) will be appearing in Canada at a variety of venues, including Quebec. Where’s Diana when you really need her, Charles?

the heir to the British throne will only be welcome in Quebec during his Canadian tour if he atones for the alleged sins by the British after their conquest of North America.

Grievances are believed to be among, but not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • deportation of the Acadians in 1755.
  • establishment of an English-language majority in Canada.
  • patriation of the Canadian Constitution without Quebec’s consent.

Here’s a couple of grievances those patriots at la Société appear to have forgotten:

  • the fact that in the last referendum to separate from Canada, they lost their chance to leave – unfortunately for the rest of us.
  • the Montreal Canadians haven’t won a Stanley Cup since 1993.

Who among the brave Société St-Jean Baptiste will apologize for that?

Link to article here.

I almost forgot:

Go on. Get out. Shoo!  Nobody wants you in Canada. And on your way out, don’t forget to start learning English so that you can interact with the rest of the world, you bumbling, money-sucking ingrates.

Had enough?

(updated below)

Raise your hand if you’ve had enough of the swine flu H1N1 plague pox garbage foisted upon us by fear-mongering mainstream media asshats, who can’t find enough “news” to shout out. These rocket scientists have pushed the panic button on the flu, and talked themselves and everyone else into a situation that no amount of pushback can control.

Thanks to the ignoramuses of network television:

  • It’s a pandemic.
  • It’s swine flu.
  • Yes, you can eat pork, thanks to the “pork” lobby.
  • Then it’s not swine flu.
  • It’s H1N1.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Don’t wash your hands, because no one really knows how flu spreads.
  • Wash your hands anyway.
  • It’s killing people.
  • It’s killing less people that the “regular” flu (whatever that is).
  • Masks help.
  • There aren’t enough masks to go around.
  • Masks won’t help.
  • Want to get inoculated? Too bad, so sad. There isn’t enough vaccine, because too many people want it.
  • Pregnant? You’re going to die.
  • We’re all going to die, since there isn’t enough vaccine for everyone.
  • Okay, we’re not all going to die, but we’re all going to get sick.

Ad nauseam.

Link to an earlier post on the subject here.

Update October 31, 2009: In a normal flu season, approximately 2,000 Canadians die.

To date, 85 Canadians have died from H1N1. Many suffered from underlying health problems such as chronic lung disease, asthma, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. The total Canadian H1N1 death toll might total 825 by the time it’s over.

Motorcycles emit pollution. Get over it.

Introductory lede:

It’s a popular misconception that motorcycles burn cleaner than cars: most of them don’t. – wheels.ca, Costa Mouzouris

Next paragraph:

In fact, the only reason that they spew fewer greenhouse gas emissions into the air than four-wheeled passenger vehicles…

So which is it? Do they? Or, don’t they?

all current models (of motorcycles) meet North American emissions standards…

That kinda sums it up for me.

He’s not done yet though. He concludes with

the fumes emitted by those dual, upswept mufflers are still not up to the standards that they should be…

I’m left wondering just what those fume emission standards should be for motorcycles with “dual, upswept mufflers”. Who has dual, upswept mufflers on their motorcycles? Who might ride motorcycles with dual, upswept mufflers? Does he mean biker motorcycles? Just some motorcycles? All motorcycles? Does the author know or understand the difference between a motorcycle and a scooter? Does he know that two-cycle engines burn oil mixed with gas?

Link to article here.

I’ve read the article several times now, and I’m still confused by it all. Although, I do understand that in Canada, there are approximately 18,000,000 passenger automobiles registered and 409,000 motorcycles. I’d say motorcycles are the least of the problem during the five-month riding season and seven months of heavy-sledding-winter for which Canada is renowned.

Here’s a link to a 2001 British study that demonstrated the following conclusion:

The overall emissions from motorcycles are low in comparison with other road vehicles and are not expected to grow dramatically in mass terms.

Now then, if only we could regulate how long those Torontonians wearing their frost-stained long-johns idle their automobiles to keep warm while commuting. That would be an accomplishment.

MADD will never be satisfied…

until bars are closed and liquor is taken off of the market. We all know how successful prohibition was back in the day.

There will be no keeping MADD® happy, just as there has been no keeping them happy in the past – until every ounce of liquor is outright declared illegal and poured into the streets; until every bar is shut down and turned into a glee club; until every motor vehicle is equipped with some sort of breath interlock; until every person bows to the authority and influence of MADD and it’s crazy desire to eliminate something that can’t be eliminated.

Mothers: responsible for warm, fuzzy feelings. Nobody wants to fight that image.

Against: everything.

Drunk: ban liquor.

Driving: that’s only a start. Wait until we get them mothers rolling against guns, prostitution, drugs and improper thinking.

MADD in Canada has gone the extra mile to lobby politicians – with the not unbiased support of law enforcement – to ensure that the Canadian Constitution takes a back seat to the MADD agenda, whatever that agenda really is.

A proposed law permitting police to give random breathalyzers to drivers would save 400 lives a year in Canada, says the CEO of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada. – edmontonsun.com

…the recent MADD conference praised the notion of giving police the power to randomly perform breathalyzers on drivers regardless of whether or not they’re suspected of drinking.

Just great. The bullshit never ends, and with it there goes the right against unreasonable search and seizure, sponsored by a bunch of whiners in favor of closing bars and reinstating prohibition. I’m fed up with the constant whining and sniveling these people do to try and force me to listen to, and to participate in, their agenda to keep themselves happy.

My recommendation for the harridans of MADD: try and get the police up off of their round, fat, donut-laden asses and have them enforce existing laws. Perhaps then the police just might crawl out of their cruisers long enough to stop whining about not having the power to do this, control that, or arrest anyone for practically anything. After all, the cops have all the tasers, and they just love to use them.

Screw MADD. Take the mad motherfuckers and the incessant whining and sniveling that they feel that they must stuff down my throat and up my ass and let them shove it up their own asses.

Disclaimer #1: I drive.

Dislcaimer #2: I don’t drink.

So then…

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. And take your mongoloid mangled accident victims with you.

*     *     *

Modern Drunkard Magazine has a pretty good takedown of MADD here.

Like your hamburgers, do you?

Where’s the beef?

Probably rotting in the abattoir and the meat-packing plant.

You might not be so quick to go fast-food or fire up the barbie after reading this article from the New York Times on the meat inspection process, or lack thereof. It’s lengthy, but it covers all the bases.

And across the line in Canada, things are not so well-done either.

The bottom line? If you want real hamburger meat, buy a steak from your favorite butcher and have him grind it on-site for you.

Afterthought: How thoroughly does he clean his meat grinder?