Tag Archives: stupidity

Reasons for you wimmins out there not to go to college*

In order to forego further discussion (argument) on the issue of college for girls, this article will outline the principal reasons for shunning college for girls.

  1. She will attract the wrong types of men.
  2. She will be in a near occasion of sin.
  3. She will not learn to be a wife and mother.
  4. blah,blah blah.

Before unleashing the Dogs of War** on me, Jezebel does it much better.

* Sometimes I just have to do it.

** Popularized by Shakespeare and Frederick Forsyth.

Please don’t tell anyone in Congress about this…

because we all some a few of us know it wouldn’t be long before it would be implemented on this side of the ocean. For all we know, perhaps it has already been implemented in, you know, some country on this side of the ocean. A simple executive order would do it, for the most part, and Congress wouldn’t ever have to be consulted. Nor would the electorate.

Sound familiar?

Quoting an outside news source is now illegal. Linking to a news site is illegal. Opposing the government on your personal blog, of course, was already illegal, and those who did so were routinely prosecuted. –the Daily Dot

Link to the Daily Dot article.

How’s that War on Drugs been workin’ out for ya so far, Amerikuh?

The New York Times revealed Tuesday that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has access to the entirety of telecom giant AT&T’s phone records.

the Hemisphere program enables swifter and more reliable tracking of drug dealers. The program “simply streamlines the process of serving the subpoena to the phone company so law enforcement can quickly keep up with drug dealers… –salon.com

What dumbassery.

Of course the American government and the DEA can quickly keep up with drug dealers by using a vast and illegal database. That’s why the importation and use of drugs is way, way down and rapidly decreasing. Because, you know, the government is listening, and the drug dealers are so very afraid.

Unrelated, but I have to say it anyway:

Already the American Constitution lies in tatters. Judges and courts spout corporate and government propaganda in their judgements. The middle class has been raped, pillaged and destroyed by greedy corporations. Politicians of all stripes are bought, sold and traded by big business and the lobbying machines like nothing more than the cattle they are. Mainstream media, owned by giant corporations, ignores and abdicates their responsibilities, then lines up to see who can kiss more government ass, faster.

The biggest joke of all: Ignorant citizens, ad nauseum, hold high three-word signs, much photographed, proudly declaring, We the People.

Doesn’t anyone know the rest of it?

The next two presidential elections will seal the fate of America. If not one of them will begin to put an end to the abject stupidity, there will be no end to the road America has chosen to travel. Ever. Sadly, many nations will be drawn in to Amercia’s nightmare, as others have in the past during related excursions by other countries.

I really hope I’m wrong on this, but I don’t think I will be.

First came Pearson’s Thesis DIY, now 8bit is down the toilet

As they say on their web site,  it’s all been swell – unless you’re a paid customer. They even had the temerity to post their picture.

I warned about subscribing to a paid theme, particularly Chris Pearson’s DIY Thesis series of blunders and owner/manager stupidity and pigheadedness. Now 8bit, another fly-by-night paid WordPress theme builder, has closed its doors. You can read about 8bit’s disgruntled paid subscribers and their money-down-the-drain woes here. Don’t take too long, though. They’ll soon be disappearing with all the marbles. And the cash.

Scroll down their page to read some of the comments from disgruntled customers who paid for the theme and “lifetime” support, only to learn that the outfit would be going out of business only a few months later. The joke is on you, sucker.

Here are a few prime reasons for not subscribing to a paid WordPress theme:

this is the final goodbye and the Support Forums will continue to be open for another 30 days – after that we will no longer support our products, including our core product Standard Theme.

The losers can’t even afford to keep the support forums online for the fools that paid for a service. Obviously, the complete incompetence of the outfit extends to “better ideas” too. Adding insult to injury, the hapless losers recommend that their customers could move on to two other paid themes. Yeah, right. I’m sure they’ll be doing that real soon now.

Whatever you do, folks, do not, ever, subscribe to Chris Pearson’s Thesis DIY themes. Consider yourself warned.

If  8bit was capable of paying a few bucks out of the cash they fleeced from recent subscriptions, you’d think they could at least afford to lay out a little of their customers’ money to keep a web site open for a year. Yuk yuk yuk it up, customers. You lose too.

There will be a lot more of this, I’m sure, in the paid theme business. Fortunately, I had nothing invested in 8bit.

Thesis DIY is another matter entirely, and I’m happy that I now have moved away from the loser of a theme and owner/manager/tech support “guru” Chris Pearson who could care less about my investment in a promised product that was never, ever! delivered in a timely manner.

It’s all been swell if you’re pocketing the cash.

Why can’t America just STFU?

The Americans are still at it.

the Obama administration bluntly accused the Syrian government of Bashar Assad on Friday of launching a chemical weapons attack that killed at least 1,429 people — far more than previous estimates — including 426 children. –National Post

  • How many innocent civilians has America’s Black Butcher murdered without benefit of trial because of America’s ridiculous drone strike program that is used to murder innocent men, women and children around the world?
  • How many innocent children, women and men has the Black Butcher murdered while huffing and puffing and making claims that they were terrorists? Who is America to be judge, jury and executioner? What goes around, usually comes around, sooner or later, you murdering butchers.
  • How stupid does America think the rest of the world is, exactly?

Not even Great Britain, a nation with its boots stuck so far up America’s ass that only the heels are visible from the outside, chooses to polish American jackboots this time – thanks to a Parliament that decided not to be duped again.

the international community cannot allow a “thug and a murderer” to use weapons of mass destruction with impunity.

Thanks for that little nugget of insanity, John Kerry. Now then, when will you American thugs and murderers stop butchering men, women and children around the world with impunity? Your drone strikes put you and yours in the same thug and murderer category, n’est-ce pas?

Dear Ted Cruz

It would appear that you have only recently become aware that you are a Canadian citizen. You spent four years in Canada as a born-in-Canada, card-carrying socialist Communist Canadian. In light of that, those damnable Tea Partiers that you must satisfy beyond any reasonable doubt have questions with regard to the following:

  1. Have you now, or have you ever in the past, made use of that socialist commie pinko Communist health insurance scam in Canada that is responsible for killing its citizens by means of death panels?
  2. Have you ever spoken even one word of French-Canadian? Have you ever Frenched* a woman? How about some occasional French kissing** now and again?
  3. Your parents are listed as being an American mother, and a Cuban father. Should you chose to move to Cuba, you are more than likely eligible for Cuban citizenship. Would there be any chance of that happening? Ever?
  4. What’s your position on Cuba? Should America continue to give it a good reaming?
  5. As an agent of a foreign government, can the country you presently call home (that’s America, right? Not Cuba? Not Canada?) depend on you to defend what’s left of the Constitution to the best of your ability? At a minimum, to qualify as a Party of Tea member, that means knowing three words: We the people.
  6. How dense, stupid and moronic do you have to be to not understand that, as a result of being born in a democratic commie pinko Communist foreign country, as well as having lived there for four years thereafter, you’re a citizen of that country.

* Yes, I know. It’s the same as **. But just in case Mr. Cruz probably wasn’t aware of it. At all.

Dear Ed Burkhardt, CEO, Rail World/Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway

Ed Burkhardt, you beyond stupid son of a bitch, spring the bucks for a passport you so obviously don’t have and get your fat, wrinkled, white Yankee ass to the site of your latest public relations disaster. Even though everything you know about a foreign country says that Canada is a socialist, almost-communist state with “free” healthcare (since the ’60s, I might add), go there anyway. You know, like after you actually get a passport in order that you can go back where you came from, the sooner the better. Don’t be afraid. Your own government won’t likely put you on a no-fly list, even if you do read satire and salon.com.

The citizens of Lac-Mégantic won’t tar and feather you with the product you transport – at least, not until they separate you from your bodyguards.

This stupid shit, Burkhardt, actually joked that he would need a bullet-proof vest to visit Canada. Doesn’t the dumbass know that Canada isn’t a state in Amerikuh? That’s a rhetorical question, by the way, for you Americans who don’t get Canadian humor.

Twenty dead, fifty missing, and Brian Williams turns it into a geography lesson for Americans. Apparently, the dumbasses don’t know they have a state called New Hampshire. Check out the video and snooze through a litany of what constitutes New Hampshire. Or, visit salon.com and be declared an enemy of the United States of America.