
* * * SPOILER ALERT * * *

CITIZENS: It’s the karate kids.

SHERIFF BRODY of the immaculate hair: I’ll get right on that.

COUNCILLORS: It’s not a shark!

SHERIFF BRODY otih: It’s sharks. They’re everywhere.

COUNCILLORS: It’s not a shark!

SHERIFF BRODY: Thinks his wife is a shark.

SHERIFF BRODY’S HARPY WIFE: Does my ass look fat in this bathing suit?

SHERIFF BRODY: Rules. And camel toe.


THE SHARK GUY: It’s a shark!

SHERIFF BRODY: It’s not a shark.

THE SHARK GUY: Bite radius.

COUNCILLORS: It’s a fish.


THE SHARK GUY: Red or white. What will it be?

SHERIFF BRODY: Does my wife’s ass look fat in that bathing shit?

THE SHARK GUY: Camel toe. Let’s cut the not-the-shark open. The shark ate the boat.


QUINN THE ESKIMO: Let us have another drink.

NRA: The only thing that stops a big bad fish is a good NRA man with a gun.

Think you’re so special?

Not even close.

“The [RAF] pilots would be amazed,” said Jerry Vernon, an aviation historian and president of the Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society.

“This new bomber would fly in — a big four-engine bomber — and a single pilot would get out: a five-foot [tall] woman would be flying it, and [the men would] be amazed.”


Canada to accept up to 250 Syrian White Helmet volunteers, family after dramatic escape

Any guesses as to how many that bastion of freedumb and civility, known as President shitstain’s country, will accept?

The volunteers were spirited out of Syria in a highly secret international operation that involved the U.K., France, Germany, the Netherlands and Canada, multiple sources told CBC News.

Remarkably, ‘Murrica declined the invitation.How’s that workin’ out for ya, MAGA-emptyhats?

The U.S. has taken a hands-off approach to the unfolding drama in southwest Syria.

The territory under assault had been designated as a U.S.-protected safe zone, but the Trump Administration has not made a move to enforce that as government forces tighten their grip on the region.

Not all that strange, considering President shitstain’s declarations from Helsinki while feverishly stroking fellating sucking Putin’s cock, enabling the Ruski to ejaculate all over ‘Murrica’s smiling orange face.

Cheerleader Chainsaw Chicks


The girls are headed to the Camp Cheer Finals with their innocent widdle puppy. A strong, silent type hacks away with an electric chainsaw at an already dead* tree. (An electric chainsaw. No blue smoke or noise. This is California after all.) Pussy.

Miscellaneous tools. Hillbillies. Cool dudes with facial hair. Electrical cord bandoleros. Yoyos. WTF? Yoyos? Saddles. A pet raven. Popsicles.

* No live trees were damaged by the feelming of this movie.



This snorefest was filmed in April in Winnipeg, which any Canadian with half of a frozen brain recognizes as Winterpeg. Six months of winter, followed by another six of bad sledding is not untrue. Then there’s the six months of mosquitoes. And a year of provincial government auto insurance no one can afford. Plus a lifetime spent in a province right next door to Saskatchewan.

If all that isn’t pleasant enough for someone to imagine, then there’s Keanannnu’s face. I tried my best, but I couldn’t keep from stealthily approaching the screen whilst withdrawing my trusty Texas™ Alamo™ Bowie™ 12-incher™ from inside my underpants™. While Keanannnu was having sex, and in an attempt to force the actor into a facial expression related to the scene he was portraying, I hacked away at his backside.I’m sure I don’t have to say that it was all to no avail.

Eventually, the viewing audience calmed down and the theater manager approached. He explained that Keanannnu’s “acting face” was in fact being portrayed throughout the feelm, and my feeble attempt at forcing Kenny to move a facial muscle was wasted. Consequently, I demanded my money back before the police arrived to shut down the feelm for breach of acting integrity.

I was subjected to a pleasant ride downtown in the back seat.

Riding farther, seeing more