Category Archives: Stupidity plain and simple


in light of clownfish’s possession of state secrets, and his inclinations regarding same, might anyone have a FISA warrant on the orange cheeto and his current minions?

I’m wondering where the fam will flee go on an extended vaycay once they pull their heads out of the old man’s ass and realize they’re done for. Argentina? Saudi Arabia? Certainly not with the Russkis, right? Right?

But perhaps I discount the pigs in the pen too soon. We have all been fooled before.

Keurig Mini is a piece of shit with virtually no warranty

There’s a reason Keurig has a 30-day warranty on the Keurig Mini coffee maker. The alleged coffee maker manufactured by Keurig is a piece of shit that doesn’t work on a regular basis. Don’t buy the Keurig Mini piece-of-shit coffee maker. Buy anything but the Keurig Mini piece-of-shit coffee maker that has a 30-day warranty. The Keurig Mini has a 30-day warranty because it’s a piece of shit.

On the other hand, it worked better than the piece-of-shit Tassimo I owned in a previous life. Unfortunately, the Keurig Mini piece of shit only worked for seven months.