Category Archives: Blog tribulations

Finally – one more time

Loyal readers – of which there are 45 to 50 two or three, thank you very much – will have noticed that I’ve changed the template. I prefer the new look and feel – it’s not quite so boring. The new theme accepts sidebar widgets, and I’ve added anti-spam control, digital fingerprinting (his server is really slow), SpotMilk to clean up the WP dashboard interface, and a banning plug-in, among others.

Feedburner does a great job of tracking blog stats. Thanks, guys, for responding to my now-lost post from yesterday with your suggestion to add a plugin, even though I hadn’t queried you on the subject. I have absolutely no idea how you manage to do it.

Ah yes, the wonder of it all. Whilst attempting to do some blog fancy-dancing this afternoon, I inadvertently deleted my database. Although it’s taken me decades to learn to do regular backups, I had one! and so I’m back up and running. Thanks to for your ministrations on my behalf.

And now back to regularly scheduled programming…

Transition complete!

I’ve finally finished moving over to WordPress 2.1. The biggest problem was attempting to discover the many routines and stylesheets and how they affect the screen display. Additionally, I wanted to personalize the page and make it mine. That was frustrating too, until I finally searched the net for the appropriate information. It’s out there, one just has to find it.

In the long run, I think this will be a much better platform for posting. It appears to be more straightforward, has better backup facilities, and is easier to host on my own site. There is much more control afforded to the geek in me.

Now all I have to do is learn the software, and by ‘learn the software’ I mean learn how to customize the page displays and make it mine.


I have decided to turn my roadblog into a WordPress document, basically because I’m bored, and it’s going to present quite a challenge to migrate all of my previous posts from Blogger. So far, I’ve not been able to find a routine that will import the posts, RSS feeds notwithstanding. I’ll keep trying, but I’m not optimistic. Oh well. Such is life.