They’re here*!

* Well, okay, they’re not really here. They’re up there. *points*

There’s even a widdle house for them to live in while they do repairs.  Who says Georgio is full of it now? Huh? Huh? Where is Q-anon when you need them? MTG and her Jewish space lasers be damned. THIS IS NEWS!

He Ran All the Way (1951)

* * * SPOILER ALERT * * *

Nervous nellie rod-man Nick/John Garfield holds up a payroll and kills a copper. To avoid the police, he takes the plunge, where he swims into Peg/Shelley Winters. Having never seen or touched a woman before, Nick almost blows it. Needy Peg relents and allows the incel to take her home, where Nick continues his charm campaign by confessing to committing the robbery while holding Peg’s family hostage. Sweaty paranoia ensues.


If you haven’t seen it, The Postman Always Rings Twice is classic Garfield. He co-starred with Lana Turner. The lipstick rolling on the floor introduces the pair. Only in film noir should they never have met.

John Garfield died too young at 39. Blacklisting and HUAC threats probably didn’t help.

Holiday Affair (1949)

Tis the season.

* * * SPOILER ALERT * * *

I was thoroughly enjoying this Christmas extravaganza until young Timmie, the wonderful little boy and star of the movie, stuck his finger into a lightbulb socket and electrocuted himself. Barely able to contain themselves, the remaining acting professionals were soon able to brush the tragedy off and carry on, regardless. R.I.P. Timmie and the fucking train set.

I hasten to add that what the purveyors of the Hayes Code forced on the producers and Janet Leigh’s breasts was horrendous. Her breasts were spread so far apart to minimize them that she couldn’t cross her arms in front of her.