Night of the Living Dead


“I already lost an hour’s sleep with the time change.”

Men. Always complaining about something. Now if they’d do something about that time change, perhaps it would go the way of the dodo. Because they’re unconscionably dense, men won’t. Consequently, you sleep the sleep of the dead, awaken, and dine on human flesh during each and every time change. That’ll teach ya.

All goes as expected until the Proud Bois are brought in to clean things up with predictable results on the last black man standing.

Gotta love the nice, heavy suicide doors on that Lincoln, also gone the way of the dodo.

Don’t be fooled by other, “modern” versions of this classic. The original is the only one that matters.

Here’s a link to the Wikiwand notes. (Wikiwand: Wikipedia Modernized is a Chrome plugin that clears up many of the vagaries of Wikipedia.)

Kinda fun to watch the shit-show

Kinda fun to watch the shit-show of Americans spending all day in a lineup to vote. Don’t they know how other countries do it? Oh, wait. Sorry. The residents of The Greatest Democracy in the World have no clue about anything beyond their borders.

Imagine claiming it’s “an honor” to stand in line all day to vote. Those clueless turds deserve another four.