I refer you to The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

In the footsteps of the Iowa debacle, The fifth basic law, in particular.

Democrats can’t run a piss-up in a brewery in bumfuck, Iowa to save their lives, not to mention democracy in  the Presidential Shitsain’s third-world shithole. And what’s with nine candidates? By now it should be down to no more than four if they want to even take a stab at it. Which it seems like the Democrats are doing, taking a stab at anything in a desperate attempt to appear relevant to one and all.

Good luck with the deplorables. They can forget about them and get on with whatever the hell the Democrats are trying to do.

America is a country that for a hundred years has tried to export force their form of democracy on the world. How’s that workin’ out for ya after three years of the Shitstain? At this rate, in 2020 there will be only another four more years of MAGAjesus to suffer through.

Then Ivanka and Don can take their stab at it. That will be a treat to witness, too.