Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hardcore Henry


Blood – check

Guts – check

Gore – check

Whorehouse – check

Naked whores – check

Wholesome romance – check

Uncanny resemblance to early 90s DOOM and others – check

Interminably long, boring, unending body count at the end of it all – check.

No, Uncle Bennie,

no one believes your dick is that big. You’re another dumb fuck Repubbie, too.

Uncle Bennie wants more troops

Do these morons have any idea how long the Can-Am border is? Do they understand that a lot of it is up in Alaska?

Methinks Uncle Bennie would like his troops on the Canadian side of the border, too. Keep spending that money, Amerika. You’ll go broke eventually. I just hope I live long enough to see it.

Dreams in the night

I dreamed of you last night. It was a good night.

You’re still with me, after all these years. Your smile is the same. The corners of your mouth turn up the way they always do when you look at me. Your dark eyes shine. Your long, raven hair still gets in the way of everything. Your cheek still caresses mine.

I never did tell you how afraid I was of you at first. I’m sorry it took so long to get to know you because of that. It was the fear. You said it was the same for you. Now I understand. I hope you do too. I’m so sorry for the time we allowed that fear to steal from us.

Your smile, your laughter. The sound of your voice. The way you moved. The way you walked. The way you looked at me.

I tried to scream. I couldn’t. Instead, I woke. Awake, I was unable still to scream, so filled with despair.

Dreams of you in the night don’t come as often now. When they do it’s as though you are here still, and I am grateful for that fleeting comfort. Wherever you are, you are well, I trust, and happy, as before when we were together.

—Make my bed and light the light, for I’ll be home late tonight, Blackbird, bye, bye…