Mexico as banana republic

At a recent press conference, some former Mexican parliamentarian, while visiting the true north, strong and free (Canada, for the uninitiated), whined about deteriorating relations between the two countries. Apparently, Mexico is pissed that Canada doesn’t want a plague of snowshoe-wearing Mexicans thrust upon its southern border.

Relations between Canada and Mexico have deteriorated badly under the Stephen Harper government and won’t improve as long as Harper remains prime minister – Rosario Green, chair of Mexican Congress foreign affairs committee, via

Well, Ms. Green, by your own admission:

According to Green, most of the Mexicans who seek asylum in Canada are not fleeing mistreatment at the hands of Mexican officialdom, but fear attack by the drug cartels that plague her country. – the

So then, because Mexico is unable and unwilling to govern itself, Canada should take up the slack? Not bloody likely.

Ottawa slapped a visa requirement on Mexican visitors, a measure the government says was necessary to reduce a mounting tide of “bogus” Mexican refugee claims. –

More whining and sniveling ensued because Ms. Green was subjected to the following before being granted a visa to set foot in Canada:

officials at the Canadian embassy in Mexico required her to provide, among other documents, a copy of the property title to her Mexican home, copies of her last six bank statements and a letter from the Mexican Congress confirming her position and salary

And why not? Perhaps she too was trying to escape attack by the drug cartels that plague her country.

Link to article here.

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