Cleanliness is still of minor import

What will it take to get medical professionals to wash their filthy, germ-infested hands before leaving one patient to go to another? This isn’t new, of course. It’s been going on since the middle of the 19th century.

Ignaz Semmelweis in 1847 made the connection, and was pilloried. Joseph Lister, in the mid-1860s, was intelligent enough to make a similar connection. Unfortunately, North America wasn’t having any of that at the time.

They still aren’t.

McGill University Health Centre network asked staff at its various hospitals about their handwashing habits last year.

One in four doctors in some wards reported washing their hands between patients, the audit found. The best rates were seen in the intensive care units, where 60 per cent of doctors washed up between patients.

And even when some businesses try to enforce a hand-washing edict in British Columbia, the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal forces employees not to wash their hands.

Please continue reading after you have finished gagging and upon digesting that little morsel.

For those of you who like to see your doctor all dressed up and looking professional in white lab coat and tie, take a look at this.

Now then, go back to bed, take two aspirin and call someone who loves you in the morning. Oh, and write your will if you call a doctor.

Ontario the good wants to ban Jews

It’s strange that there is no mention made of indiscriminate missile launches terrorizing and killing innocent Israelis. But how could that be? Is it that the stupidity of academics and their ilk should never be underestimated?

“In response to an appeal from the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees, we are ready to say Israeli academics should not be on our campuses unless they explicitly condemn the university bombing and the assault on Gaza in general,” said Sid Ryan, president of CUPE* Ontario.


Ms. Folk-Dawson said the resolution will protect the quality of education by preventing Israeli academics from professing biased views… – Vanessa Kortekaas, National Post

Ms. Folk-Dawson is the chairwoman of the university workers committee.

It all sounds more like pre-war Germany than Canada, don’t you think?

Link to article here.

*Canadian Union of Public Employees

Backing up matters

Always remember to take the occasional look in your rearview mirror.

How the JournalSpace operator plans to recover: here. Or not.

Google Cache to the rescue — but only if…

this method only works for people who did not have their blogs/journals set to be viewable only by other JournalSpace members, or set to Friends &/or Favorites only, and for other entries that were not set to private. Also, if people configured their blogs so that the googlebot, or other bots were blocked, they may have limited success in resurrecting old entries from the cache

I was fortunate to learn hard lessons about backups decades ago while working on an aircraft project which shall remain unnamed. I’ve never forgotten since.

Oh, all right then, perhaps I have “forgotten” a time or two, but to no consequence.

So far.

So as not to leave anyone out…

The blight on Canada’s free speech known as the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) can’t make up its mind what it does best — prosecute, or defend — bigots. If you can get by the online Calgary Herald’s fractured English and punctuation (can’t anyone write or edit any more?), you might get an earful about a Montreal Imam named Abou Hammad Sulaiman al-Hayiti, who declares almost anyone to be unequal to Muslims.


As a test, a Montrealer decided to take the CHRC to task by filing a complaint against the Imam. Needless to say, the Commission declined to hear the case. No surprise there.

So rules the Canadian Human Rights Commission:

“the majority of the references in ‘Islam’ are to ‘infidels’, ‘miscreants’ or ‘western women’. These are general, broad and diversified categories that do not constitute an ‘identifiable group’…

As we have also mentioned, the extracts that identify groups on the basis of prohibited grounds of discrimination (homosexuals, lesbians, Christians, Jews) do not seem to promote ‘hatred’ or ‘contempt’ according to the criteria…”

Oh, really?

Fire. Them. All.

Here’s to 50 more for a blockaded Cuba

“If the United States does not continue to stand for the ideals of freedom and human rights and against the many guises of tyranny and oppression, who will?”  — United States Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, during his fatwa against Cuba, declaring that the U.S. should not ease sanctions

Now there’s a mouthful, considering the record of King George and the current administration’s eight long years. I could elaborate, but since the record stands for itself, why bother?

Will someone please wash that man’s mouth out with soap?

¡Viva la revolución!

Why does America continue it’s childish feud with an absolutely meaningless cork bobbing in the Gulf? Can’t get your way in your own hemisphere? Need to blame someone for your intransigence? Or, has it something to do with spoiled brats and voters in Cubida — err, Floriduh?