Canada’s new Liberal party leader supports torture

Canada has chosen a new Liberal party leader following on the disaster that was Stephane Dion. Michael Ignatief, a former Harvard professor of human rights and former member of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, was recently anointed to lead the Canadian Liberal party to the next election by any means possible, including torture.

Here’s a summary link to a 2005 article by Mariano Aguirre detailing some of Mr. Ignatief’s reasons on why torture is so much more preferable than any other method for igniting the fires of democracy around the world.

The world no sooner gets rid of one by free elections, and another pops up to parrot the idiocy. I suppose Canadians must now prepare to be picked up off of their cold winter streets and rendered to a vacation spot of their choice in a warm climate, where brutality and torture come highly recommended by Mr. Ignatief. After all, winter is now upon us in this northern clime, and a warm-weather respite is well-deserved by all.

Let’s hope that the Canadian electorate has the common sense, come their next Federal election, to show Mr. Ignatief where to shove the eternal sunshine of his spotless mind.

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