For all my faithful readers…

all five of you:

Fair warning: you might wish to turn off the feed readers for a bit.

I’ve been investigating search engine querys that have hit my blog pages. Consequently, I’m going to be updating some of my posts with metas and tags over the next several days. The reason for this is that while some queries show up with a direct link to the page in question, others do not, and land on the blog’s front page, making finding the article difficult.

I know, I should have started this from the beginning, but who knew? Not me, obviously.

Of course, I would be most pleased if at some point you would turn me back on.

I’ll be using All in One SEO Pack for this — another plugin.

One thought on “For all my faithful readers…”

  1. I can handle a few duplicate posts showing up in the feed reader. Besides, if I turn it off, I’ll never remember to turn it back on. 🙂 Have fun with the tagging party.

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